NYSEG Switching FAQ

NYSEG is an energy delivery company. Whether you decide to stick with them or find another supply company, they are still going to be the company to deliver your energy to you. Switching is not compulsory, but it can be beneficial in getting a better NYSEG electricity rate depending on a few factors. Here are some FAQs to help you decide what to do:

What Pricing Options Do I Have?

You have the NYSEG energy service which is a variable price option, or an ESCO services option where you select a competitive electric supplier in NY. You can select either at any time.

Is The NYSEG Variable Price Option Available To All?

The NYSEG default supply option is available to residential and nonresidential customers who don't pay the demand charges. This is the default supply option. It is similar to the variable price option. The NYSEG variable price option is only available to those who pay demand charges.

What Pricing Options Do ESCOs Have?

The pricing options may be variable or fixed depending on who you want to get your supply from.

Will A Transition Charge Affect Me If I'm An ESCO Customer?

All NYSEG customers are required to pay a transition charge, regardless of which ESCO they are with.

How Can I Find Out Which ESCOs I Can Choose From?

You can find an updated list of ESCOs on the NYSEG site.

What If I Want To Switch ESCOs or Go Back To NYSEG?

You can do this, but depending on the NY energy suppliers you may incur a termination fee. There are no limitations with NYSEG on how many times you can switch, but there may be limitations with the ESCOs. This is something you'll need to inquire about when selecting your supplier.

Who Do I Call When I Have A Problem?

You'll still have to call NYSEG if you have a problem with your service. They will still give you the same service, whichever ESCO you pick. If you have questions about your supply service, then you'll contact the ESCO service.

How Do I Start, Stop, Or Transfer My Service?

There are a number of forms on their website you can choose from depending on your needs.

How Will I Know When My Enrollment Has Been Processed?

It will be shown at the top of your bill, and you may receive a confirmation letter from NYSEG or your ESCO.

I Know Some Customers Who Pay Their Bills Online. What Are The Benefits of This?

Less paper to deal with, thus a more environmentally way of receiving and paying your bills. You'll be able to view your bills online. This process is more convenient. You also have peace of mind as all data is secured - your bills are encrypted.

How Do I Enroll In The Online Billing Process?

You'll need to go to the NYSEG website and find the paper free bill service page. You'll then need to create an account with a secure username and password. You enter your preferences and you are then set up to pay your bills online.