As the fourth most populated state in all of America, energy statistics are a major feature of New York State's DNA. From a consumer's perspective, knowing a little about those facts and figures can be very beneficial. Not only does it provide educational insight. More importantly, it can help direct your future decisions.
Let's take a little closer look at those important stats to gain a clearer picture of the situation across the State.
New York Electricity Prices:
- In 2015, New York had the eighth-highest average electricity prices in the United States, down from the fourth-highest price in 2014.
- New York households consume an average of 103 million Btu per year, 15% more than the U.S. average.
- Electricity consumption in New York homes is much lower than the U.S. average, because many households use other fuels for major energy end uses like space heating, water heating, and cooking. Electricity costs are closer to the national average due to higher than average electricity prices in the state.
- New York homes are typically older and, with a higher percentage of apartments, are smaller on average than homes in other parts of the country.

New York V. The Rest Of America
New York State's position in the national tables makes for very interesting reading. As a resident or business owner in the area, the knowledge that electricity prices are the 4th highest in America can leave a slightly sour taste. Gas prices are a little more competitive, although 15th is still far from perfect. Then again, those figures shouldn't come as a surprise as the economy means income and living costs are higher than the national average.
Arguably the more telling statistics, at least for the overall picture, surround energy consumption. While the overall usage is quite high, the total energy consumption per person is lower than anywhere else. This is largely due to the advanced public transport facilities. Meanwhile, the carbon dioxide emissions are respectably low too.
Here are the details of how New York State compares to the rest of the country:
- Natural Gas Price: 15th
- Electricity Prices: 4th
- Total Energy Consumption per Capita: 50th
- Total Production of Energy: 22nd
- Crude Oil Production: 26th
- Natural Gas: 22nd
- Electricity: 24th
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions: 37th
Regarding distribution, New York State is primarily served by seven large electric utilities. And the vast majority of facilities being owned by those companies. The largest of which, in terms of clients, is Consolidated Edson. ConEd's position is largely fuelled by the fact it serves the city of New York. This in itself easily compensates for the lack of geographical reach. It is the fourth largest utility, by customers, in the entire country.
ORU falls under the same umbrella as Consolidated Edson, and controls the area that borders New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In fact, the company operates in both of those territories also, albeit under different names.
The city of Rochester is handled by Rochester Gas and Electricity. Meanwhile, the areas to the north of Westchester County are served by Central Hudson Gas and Electric. Long Island is served by the Long Island Power Authority. LIPA is actually a non-profit organization, serves over 1.1m customers, and is the 2nd largest municipality utility in the U.S
Other areas of the New York State are split almost horizontally by two companies. National Grid controls the northern parts while New York State Electric and Gas handles the southern.
In addition to direct utilities, New York residents can use commercial Energy Service Companies. Those additional options put the consumer in far greater control. A number of ESCOs operate throughout New York State also.
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