Small Apartment Doesn’t Mean Small Electric Bill

NYC renters might think the only important factor in how many kWh your apartment uses is its square footage. The truth is that dozens of factors affect your electric consumption and ConEd electric bill. For example, as of 2017 the median age of residential buildings in NYC was over 90 years old. As a result, many apartments likely don’t have efficiency updates which make a huge difference on energy costs. Let’s dig deeper into how many kWh an average NYC apartment uses and other influences on your electric bill.
NYC Apartment Electric Usage
According to the EIA, the average residential consumer in NY uses 599 kWh per month. ConEd, the utility that serves the NYC area, estimates its consumers use an average of 300 kWh per month. But with over 2 million renter-occupied residences in the city, there’s quite a range of consumption numbers.
For example, let’s you and your friend down the street have similarly sized apartment. But your friend has a lower than average electric bill while yours is higher. The age of your windows, appliances, and building and whether you have A/C make a major impact on your bill.
Sure, it might be impossible for you to personally fix any of these things to cut your electric bill. But there are a few other things you can do to save some money!
Lower Electric Use in Your NYC Apartment
The top 3 energy pulls in a residence are heating and cooling, water heating, and lighting. Fortunately, these are also areas with huge energy savings potential.
Water: Drop your water heater setting from 140° to 120° to reduce standby losses. Also cut your hot water use further. Take shorter showers, wash clothes in cold water, and do dishes in the machine rather than by hand.
Heating and Cooling: Maybe you can’t replace the old HVAC components or add insulation to the walls in your rental unit. But, you can significantly lower your heating and cooling expenses. Start by changing your thermostat by 10° at night and while away. Also seal your windows with caulk if you feel any drafts. Finally, get yourself a smart thermostat that will automatically cut your energy bill.
Lighting: Upgrading your bulbs to LED is about the easiest way to lower energy costs. You can even help the LEDs work smarter by installing motion sensors to shut off lights without lifting a finger.
Shop Electric Plans for NYC Apartment Savings
Lastly, take your savings to the next level with a new electric provider. You could be overpaying for electricity and not even know it if you haven’t compared plans in a while. You can quickly look at available plans side by side at Find the best plan for your needs today!